
Barritts Diet Ginger Beer Calories

Cropped Hands Of Bartender Filling Beer Glass At Bar

Pablo Gasparini / EyeEm Getty Images

You think you eat pretty healthily? You've cut down on the sugary snackss and fry-ups? So why aren't you losing weight? The answer could be in that glass in front of you, and the calories in that. It certainly doesn't feel like the equivalent of a doughnut, but as far as your belly's concerned, it is. So, how many calories are in beer?

Booze, unfortunately, is full of calories – only fat has more. It's not for nothing that the roll of lard around your middle is called a beer gut. So, if you seriously want to lose weight, do you have to become a hermit and abstain from the booze? The answer is no – you just need to know your enemy.

calories in beer

Pablo Gasparini / EyeEm Getty Images

Here's the Science

The body gives alcohol special treatment – it's fast-tracked straight from the stomach to the bloodstream, and then to the liver. Half of the alcohol will be absorbed just 10 minutes after having a drink, and all of it within an hour – faster if you drink on an empty stomach.

Why the hurry? Alcohol is a toxin, so the body's aim is to get it to the liver – the body's detox plant – as fast as possible.

But the liver can only break down about one unit of alcohol per hour, and any amount above this is turned away as it arrives at the liver and sent back into the bloodstream, to circulate around the body - causing damaging effects to all the cells it comes into contact with – until the liver can process it.

While the liver is dealing with an alcohol onslaught it's distracted from its other important functions. This leads to a build-up of fatty substances in the liver, which prevent it from working properly. 'Fatty liver' is the first stage of liver disease seen in heavy drinkers but it can be reversed if they stop drinking. But if they continue to drink, liver cells die, and there is a progression eventually to irreversible cirrhosis.

How Many Calories Are In Beer?

Take a look at the calories in some drinks...

  • Bitter - 180 calories
  • Mild bitter - 142 calories
  • Pale ale - 182 calories
  • Brown ale - 160 calories
  • Stout - 210 calories
  • Lager – ordinary strength - 170 calories
  • Lager – premium - 338 calories
  • Dry cider - 190 calories
  • Sweet cider - 220 calories
  • Vintage sweet cider - 580 calories
    Cropped Hands Pouring Red Wine In Wineglass

    Bastian Lizut / EyeEm Getty Images

    How Many Calories are in Wine?

    (175ml glass)

    • Red wine - 119 calories
    • Rose wine - 125 calories
    • White wine (sweet) - 165 calories
    • White wine (medium) - 132 calories
    • White wine (sweet) - 116 calories
    • Sparkling white wine - 133 calories
          how many calories in rum, vodka, gin, whisky, whiskey 

          Tinpixels Getty Images

          How Many Calories are in Spirits?

          (25ml pub measure)

          • Vodka, gin, whisky, brandy, rum etc - 52 calories
          • Liquers (25ml pub measure)
          • Tia Maria, Cherry Brandy, Advocaat - 66 calories
          • Cointreau, Drambuie - 79 calories
          • Cream liquers - 81 calories

            (And don't forget to add the calories for the mixers.)

            can you sweat off a hangover

            vm Getty Images

            How to Burn off the Calories in Beer

            To burn off a 180 kcal pint of bitter (a fairly tame beast in the drinks comparison league), you'd need to do any of the following:

            • 14 minutes of running
            • 17 minutes of swimming
            • 20 minutes of football
            • 28 minutes of cycling
            • 29 minutes badminton
            • 44 minutes of walking
              drinking tips for lean guys

              Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury Getty Images

              Drinking tips for Lean Guys

              Watch the glass size, as a one-unit wine glass is a tiny 125ml – a size that doesn't exist any more. Standard is 175ml, and large can be up to 250ml. And remember that measures poured by mates at home are notoriously generous.

              Go slow - no more than one unit per hour. That's because, if you drink alcohol faster than the liver can handle it, it'll build up in your bloodstream, intensifying its inebriating effects and making you less able to say no to the next pint. Or that chicken balti.

              You may want to steer clear of 'Premium' alcohol, as premium lagers and strong vintage ciders pack a far heftier punch than their less alcoholic cousins. And because that's where the calories lurk, these drinks aren't for racing snakes.

              Sweetness in drinks is definitely something to watch out for, because added sugar bumps up the calorie count – sweet wines and ciders are more calorific than drier versions, and syrupy liquers (especially the creamy ones with their added fat) are worst of all.

              Try alternating alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones. Not only will this slow down your drinking, and limit the amount of alcohol calories you consume, it will help to rehydrate you, reducing the threat of a hangover.

              Eating's cheating, right? Wrong. Eat before you go out, not after. Eating a healthy snack or meal beforehand will line your stomach and slow the uptake of alcohol into your bloodstream, so you'll be less likely to get ratted and make decisions that spell disaster for your waistline. Alcohol clouds your judgement, so any health resolutions are likely to fly out the window after a few drinks. And research has shown that if you drink with a meal you'll eat more, as well as eating more fats.

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              Barritts Diet Ginger Beer Calories


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